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Nifty find at one of my local Japanese stores
Nifty find at one of my local Japanese stores
I decided to stop in at the Japanese market near where I work, for you see I have developed quite a taste for Choco & Coffee* cookies (Another Fine Product of Japan) and while checking out the snack aisle I suddenly had a feeling I recognized something. Looking again I thought, "Hey look, Shima's favorite snack!"
[Image: ckonpeito.png]
So of course I had to buy a bag. My verdict: Yay sugar! (Ingredients: sugar, lac color, food yellow #5, food blue #1, that's it). Believe it or not it lists the servings as four (or 50 grams each) in the whole bag. That's way more truthful than you see on most snack packages.
*Forgot to take a picture of these, so here's a link to an online store that sells Choco & Coffee biscuit cookies.

Will the transhumanist future have catgirls? Does Japan still exist? Well, there is your answer.

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Nifty find at one of my local Japanese stores - by LilFluff - 10-28-2007, 09:49 PM

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