Yue senses the approach of
Great Cthulhu!
It's a horde of shadow monsters... invulnerable shadow monsters. Doubleplusungood.
Oh crap. Fate is pulling the same trick that Wilhelm did way back when, isn't he? He's insulated his army by
tapping Asuna's null-field!
...Except... Yue's zap worked? Then maybe this is a Mundus Magicus reality-hack?
This scan has way too much Engrish, but even through that, we can tell that Yue is on top of this.
And it's the return of the return of the ninja nun squad! Whose magic also works. Looking more like the reality
hack option.
Asuna to the fray! ...Oops. Fake!Asuna just can't cut the mustard.
...gun? "Classmate?"
Oooooh my. Shadow demon guy should not have messed with DISGUISED MANA.
And the next chapter is... JANUARY 20?! Lurker SMASH! >.
Great Cthulhu!
It's a horde of shadow monsters... invulnerable shadow monsters. Doubleplusungood.
Oh crap. Fate is pulling the same trick that Wilhelm did way back when, isn't he? He's insulated his army by
tapping Asuna's null-field!
...Except... Yue's zap worked? Then maybe this is a Mundus Magicus reality-hack?
This scan has way too much Engrish, but even through that, we can tell that Yue is on top of this.
And it's the return of the return of the ninja nun squad! Whose magic also works. Looking more like the reality
hack option.
Asuna to the fray! ...Oops. Fake!Asuna just can't cut the mustard.
...gun? "Classmate?"
Oooooh my. Shadow demon guy should not have messed with DISGUISED MANA.
And the next chapter is... JANUARY 20?! Lurker SMASH! >.