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Lucky Star!
Re: Lucky Star!
What can I say? Hmmm...



Used when ever an actor 's bad

Drains the scene, look away

Makes me just want to flee

Fear it!

Here comes the Monotone!

Once, just once, I'd like to see a dub, of a TV show, that took the time to find actors that want to ACT. I know it's a paycheck, but they need to
take pride in what they're doing. That said, it's better than many I've seen. Unless there is a lot we're not seeing, I think I'll stick
with the subs.

Messages In This Thread
Lucky Star! - by robkelk - 02-09-2008, 02:58 AM
Re: Lucky Star! - by bmull - 02-09-2008, 08:26 AM
[No subject] - by CrimsonKMR - 02-09-2008, 05:45 PM

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