Uwe Boll
This page, along with the pages linked to it, should explain it.
Essentially, he makes video game movies. BAD video game movies. Boll's movies are intentionally bad: he and his investors actually benefit, under German
tax law, from producing failed movies. The first reason that people hate him is because he only makes movies that are so bad, they go past 'bad',
continue on past 'so bad, it's good', and move straight to 'horrible', and all of them are based off of video games. MST3K would be
ashamed of some of this stuff- his version of House of the Dead had scenes from the video game spliced into it. He's been compared unfavorably to Ed Wood,
the creator of Plan 9 From Outer Space.
The second reason people hate him is because he thinks his stuff is good (or at least acts like he thinks so). The guy is arrogant, and has nothing- less than
nothing- to back it up. Heck, he once challenged some critics insulting his movies to a boxing match- actually beat one guy up- and promptly backed out of a
televised fight he scheduled when he found out that his opponent for that one studied martial arts. This is probably just another publicity stunt, like the
boxing thing. Even if we get the million signatures, he'll just shrug, insult/blow off everybody who signed the thing, and keep infuriating the people who
actually want to see good video game movies by producing more dreck.
My Unitarian Jihad Name is: Brother Atom Bomb of Courteous Debate. Get yours.
I've been writing a bit.
This page, along with the pages linked to it, should explain it.
Essentially, he makes video game movies. BAD video game movies. Boll's movies are intentionally bad: he and his investors actually benefit, under German
tax law, from producing failed movies. The first reason that people hate him is because he only makes movies that are so bad, they go past 'bad',
continue on past 'so bad, it's good', and move straight to 'horrible', and all of them are based off of video games. MST3K would be
ashamed of some of this stuff- his version of House of the Dead had scenes from the video game spliced into it. He's been compared unfavorably to Ed Wood,
the creator of Plan 9 From Outer Space.
The second reason people hate him is because he thinks his stuff is good (or at least acts like he thinks so). The guy is arrogant, and has nothing- less than
nothing- to back it up. Heck, he once challenged some critics insulting his movies to a boxing match- actually beat one guy up- and promptly backed out of a
televised fight he scheduled when he found out that his opponent for that one studied martial arts. This is probably just another publicity stunt, like the
boxing thing. Even if we get the million signatures, he'll just shrug, insult/blow off everybody who signed the thing, and keep infuriating the people who
actually want to see good video game movies by producing more dreck.
My Unitarian Jihad Name is: Brother Atom Bomb of Courteous Debate. Get yours.
I've been writing a bit.