So, over in the Legendary forum, Logan said...
And so here I am.
There was a lot of good stuff in there, but I ended up leaving the theatre feeling a bit unsatisfied. Almost all of the best parts were at the beginning and the middle, and the only bits that grated on me were at the end.
Tony winning through being smarter than the other guy was a part I liked, but it still doesn't have the same sort of tension, feels like things are winding down much too early. And the calm and collected Pepper that I liked from earlier in the movie... seemed a bit too not-calm and not-collected at the end.
Now, according to lj user tennin-kun, via Edwin from irc...
So, maybe there's someone I can pin blame on for what I didn't like! `.`
And I'm sounding more negative than I really intended. But I don't really have that much to *say* about the stuff I liked. I wish it'd been a bit less frontloaded, but I still liked it and would like to see a sequel. (And wanting to see a sequel I consider to be high praise.)
(As for the list of things to look for in repeat viewing, I think I'll wait until the dvd comes out. I might go and see it again, because hey, $3 tickets if I go to the 4pm showing, and I don't feel compelled to buy popcorn for repeats. Especially if the popcorn wasn't very good the first time. But I probably wouldn't *remember* the things I was supposed to watch for. And I could never catch what Yinsen was saying when he said the name of his village.)
-Morgan. Time to go buy alcohol for my parents? (That's interesting.)
Quote:Post in the Iron Man thread on the general board when you come back, okay?
And so here I am.
There was a lot of good stuff in there, but I ended up leaving the theatre feeling a bit unsatisfied. Almost all of the best parts were at the beginning and the middle, and the only bits that grated on me were at the end.
Tony winning through being smarter than the other guy was a part I liked, but it still doesn't have the same sort of tension, feels like things are winding down much too early. And the calm and collected Pepper that I liked from earlier in the movie... seemed a bit too not-calm and not-collected at the end.
Now, according to lj user tennin-kun, via Edwin from irc...
Quote:The last third was rather buggered about with - angelo felt it a bit off, and it turns out people who shouldn't have, fiddled with the script. (jeff bridges' character isn't supposed to be That Obvious that early.)
So, maybe there's someone I can pin blame on for what I didn't like! `.`
And I'm sounding more negative than I really intended. But I don't really have that much to *say* about the stuff I liked. I wish it'd been a bit less frontloaded, but I still liked it and would like to see a sequel. (And wanting to see a sequel I consider to be high praise.)
(As for the list of things to look for in repeat viewing, I think I'll wait until the dvd comes out. I might go and see it again, because hey, $3 tickets if I go to the 4pm showing, and I don't feel compelled to buy popcorn for repeats. Especially if the popcorn wasn't very good the first time. But I probably wouldn't *remember* the things I was supposed to watch for. And I could never catch what Yinsen was saying when he said the name of his village.)
-Morgan. Time to go buy alcohol for my parents? (That's interesting.)