I maintain that basic healing potions -- potions of healing or potions of cure light wounds -- while they became less useful at certain points, never became as
useless as they are after 5th level in this edition. I don't recall, off hand, how many hit points would be regained after a rest in 2nd edition and
earlier, but in 3rd edition, after a full night's rest, you only got back 1hp for every level you'd achieved. After 9th level, then, you could get back
as many hit points as you would with the maximum effect of a potion of cure light wounds -- if you got a good night's sleep. But you most certainly
couldn't get that amount back by taking a breather.
In any event, I have to admit that 4e is growing on me, slowly. But it's never going to be the sheer love that I felt (and still feel) for 3e and
its derivatives (like d20 Modern and M&M). Maybe it's just as simple as the fact that I'm getting old.
But why do I have to feel that way at thirty-three?
Chris Davies.
(Doesn't feel, happily, as old as the cookbook routine is getting ...)
useless as they are after 5th level in this edition. I don't recall, off hand, how many hit points would be regained after a rest in 2nd edition and
earlier, but in 3rd edition, after a full night's rest, you only got back 1hp for every level you'd achieved. After 9th level, then, you could get back
as many hit points as you would with the maximum effect of a potion of cure light wounds -- if you got a good night's sleep. But you most certainly
couldn't get that amount back by taking a breather.
In any event, I have to admit that 4e is growing on me, slowly. But it's never going to be the sheer love that I felt (and still feel) for 3e and
its derivatives (like d20 Modern and M&M). Maybe it's just as simple as the fact that I'm getting old.
But why do I have to feel that way at thirty-three?
Chris Davies.
(Doesn't feel, happily, as old as the cookbook routine is getting ...)