Quote: Rev Dark wrote:
I am not sure where this particular bit of rant materialized. I tend to use D&D for fantasy gaming as the system works well for it, but I hand out a
campaign sheet right at the beginning that details up front changes to rules and setting. The same way that any game is modified out-of-box to fit the
setting and campaign the GM is trying to run.
Sorry about that. I'm used to being on another board where such debates as this inevitably fall into a kind of system bashing I find personally
annoying. Reflex action.
My main point there is that D&D is designed to play the D&D genre and it does it well. Houseruling is okay, but you're playing a very delicate
dance. For example cutting down on the number of magic items in the game will drastically increase the power of classes such as Wizard, Cleric and Monk in
relation to the other classes (who are balanced on the assumption of having X GP worth of magical equipment at each level). Which means to properly balance the
classes again you have to either nerf the magic-users or buff the non-magic users and so on.
If you're going to do that much houseruling, its best to just select a system that is already balanced with that in mind. Iron Heroes, Blue Rose, the LotR
game, and others are already much more easy to adapt to a "low magic" setting than D&D is (and are better systems to boot ;p).
Me, my preference for magic runs in exactly the opposite direction. I like my fantasy setting fantastical. The more over-the-top magic, the better.