True. But in gamer parlance, "Wobblies" is WoB, Word of Blake - a religious-fanatic schismatic faction that are the current 'Big Bad' in the
Battletech universe.
The publishers decided to announce the until-now-top-secret release of a new book, giving an inside look at the organization, its history, and its secrets, by
having a bunch of people in full WoB costume (white robes and such) running around the convention hall, ripping pages out of the book and throwing them into
the audience, and ranting about how "it's all lies!".
Sucrose Octanitrate.
Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.
Battletech universe.
The publishers decided to announce the until-now-top-secret release of a new book, giving an inside look at the organization, its history, and its secrets, by
having a bunch of people in full WoB costume (white robes and such) running around the convention hall, ripping pages out of the book and throwing them into
the audience, and ranting about how "it's all lies!".
Sucrose Octanitrate.
Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.