As I'd mentioned to a couple people in CoH, I'm running a game in an online forum managed by a RL friend of mine. The game is based on Mekton 1, and is
set on a starship that's hopping realities as the crew try to put together the reasons *why* the ship is doing this, why they were chosen, and what they
were chosen to do.
The game originally got its inspiration from Chrono Cross, which is what inspired the name of the ship. So far the PC's have been to several alternate
Earths, including one I came up with from whole cloth. There seems to be a conspiracy afoot organized by people who can *also* cross realities, and the
PC's are somehow the only ones who can intercede without drawing official attention to their actions.
The site is at and you're
certainly welcome to come have a look. If you want to join up, I've included basic character creation notes in the Chrono Racer forum for people who've
never played Mekton 1 before. The advantage of this game is that it doesn't matter *where* your character concept comes from. I can get you on the Racer
easily. The PC's have already discovered there's a mysterious multiverse-spanning organization responsible for keeping the peace that for some reason
can't intervene directly. So they're arranging for people to be sent to the ship and backing them up clandestinely. But that's all the PC's
have pieced together so far.
Current crewmembers (active players) are:
Ossten of Velantia: Captain of the Racer, Ossten is a thirty-foot long reptiloid Lensman.
!@#$*&^% : An energy sphere, still a child by his race's standards, but a natural engineer and curious about other races.
Aolani: Elven princess on the run, trying to rally forces to free her enslaved people.
Cyndle Kell: Former cop framed for the murder of her partner, forced to play in the "Unreal Tournaments" until death, she escaped only through
Khimera Chang: Black sheep of the Chang syndicate, she commanded a small mercenary unit in power armor known as the Steel Angels in Australia before winding up
a new passenger on the Racer.
Voidscream: Decepticon with a sense of honor. They show up sometimes, and always make the PC's lives a little harder.
Maximus Prime: Prototype Maximal, he wanted to escape being the poster boy of his new race, and joined the Racer crew.
Cybele: Survivor of the planet Lithone, world first eaten by Unicron in the beginning of the animated Transformers movie. She's an engineer and a weapons
Colonel Carson: Professional soldier of the Unified United Nations, also from the Cybertronian universe.
Hinoto Shi-Ryo: Ship-Bonded Eddorian Commander, telepathically bonded to the Chrono Racer, and its only original crew still onboard.
Sayaka Gregman: Kuritan noblewoman married to a mercenary soldier. Entrusted with the firing keys to the Gravitic Point Cannon.
Locations visited so far:
Cybertronian Earth.
An earth conquered by an invading force (Wayland-Yutani) through a hyperstream gate, forcing a corrupted version of the Mormon religion on the survivors. The
Racer freed them and moved on.
Honor Harrington universe (where they are now.)
So if you think this looks interesting, drop me a line, and we can hash out a character. There's always room for more on the Racer.
Those who fear the darkness have never seen what the light can do.
set on a starship that's hopping realities as the crew try to put together the reasons *why* the ship is doing this, why they were chosen, and what they
were chosen to do.
The game originally got its inspiration from Chrono Cross, which is what inspired the name of the ship. So far the PC's have been to several alternate
Earths, including one I came up with from whole cloth. There seems to be a conspiracy afoot organized by people who can *also* cross realities, and the
PC's are somehow the only ones who can intercede without drawing official attention to their actions.
The site is at and you're
certainly welcome to come have a look. If you want to join up, I've included basic character creation notes in the Chrono Racer forum for people who've
never played Mekton 1 before. The advantage of this game is that it doesn't matter *where* your character concept comes from. I can get you on the Racer
easily. The PC's have already discovered there's a mysterious multiverse-spanning organization responsible for keeping the peace that for some reason
can't intervene directly. So they're arranging for people to be sent to the ship and backing them up clandestinely. But that's all the PC's
have pieced together so far.
Current crewmembers (active players) are:
Ossten of Velantia: Captain of the Racer, Ossten is a thirty-foot long reptiloid Lensman.
!@#$*&^% : An energy sphere, still a child by his race's standards, but a natural engineer and curious about other races.
Aolani: Elven princess on the run, trying to rally forces to free her enslaved people.
Cyndle Kell: Former cop framed for the murder of her partner, forced to play in the "Unreal Tournaments" until death, she escaped only through
Khimera Chang: Black sheep of the Chang syndicate, she commanded a small mercenary unit in power armor known as the Steel Angels in Australia before winding up
a new passenger on the Racer.
Voidscream: Decepticon with a sense of honor. They show up sometimes, and always make the PC's lives a little harder.

Maximus Prime: Prototype Maximal, he wanted to escape being the poster boy of his new race, and joined the Racer crew.
Cybele: Survivor of the planet Lithone, world first eaten by Unicron in the beginning of the animated Transformers movie. She's an engineer and a weapons
Colonel Carson: Professional soldier of the Unified United Nations, also from the Cybertronian universe.
Hinoto Shi-Ryo: Ship-Bonded Eddorian Commander, telepathically bonded to the Chrono Racer, and its only original crew still onboard.
Sayaka Gregman: Kuritan noblewoman married to a mercenary soldier. Entrusted with the firing keys to the Gravitic Point Cannon.
Locations visited so far:
Cybertronian Earth.
An earth conquered by an invading force (Wayland-Yutani) through a hyperstream gate, forcing a corrupted version of the Mormon religion on the survivors. The
Racer freed them and moved on.
Honor Harrington universe (where they are now.)
So if you think this looks interesting, drop me a line, and we can hash out a character. There's always room for more on the Racer.

Those who fear the darkness have never seen what the light can do.