I liked it. It kinda depends on what you're after in a Bond film. This was very much more a straight-ahead action movie. In fact, since it follows directly
on from the plot of Casino Royale, you -could- almost think of them both as one very long James Bond film, aside from obvious differences in directorial style
and such.
Speaking of which, although I liked most of the action scenes in the movie, I have a near-rant based on at least two of the fights in the movie - could someone
PLEASE tell Hollywood that "shaky-cam" is GOD DAMN OVER-FUCKING DONE????
I don't blame whoever first thought of the idea. I blame all the people who came after that have shoved it in our faces and driven it into the fucking
ground! These people should be SHOT in the spine and left on anthills to DIE as a warning to the next TEN GENERATIONS of movie directors!
Uh, yeah. Okay, more like a full rant after all. I feel better now.
on from the plot of Casino Royale, you -could- almost think of them both as one very long James Bond film, aside from obvious differences in directorial style
and such.
Speaking of which, although I liked most of the action scenes in the movie, I have a near-rant based on at least two of the fights in the movie - could someone
PLEASE tell Hollywood that "shaky-cam" is GOD DAMN OVER-FUCKING DONE????
I don't blame whoever first thought of the idea. I blame all the people who came after that have shoved it in our faces and driven it into the fucking
ground! These people should be SHOT in the spine and left on anthills to DIE as a warning to the next TEN GENERATIONS of movie directors!
Uh, yeah. Okay, more like a full rant after all. I feel better now.