13: All terminal illnesses and injuries will have the following effects: a: You will grow pale but cute b: you will occasionally suffer fainting spells c: you
will occasionally cough (coughing blood is optional) and d: you will be required to stay in bed more than normal, forlornly looking out windows.
14: All terminal illnesses and injuries can be cured by an expensive operation that is just outside your families budget (if your family is rich, you will
require a proportionally more expensive treatment than a poor person with the same illness).
15: Once you acquire a terminal illness or disease you will remain in the stages noted in rule 13 for years. Your symptoms will never worsen or go into
remission untiled you are a: cured or b: die (this may be preceded by a fainting spell or coughing fit then being rushed to the hospital where you will remain
on life support for at most a few days) . The same treatment that could cure you when first diagnosed will still save you even if applied five seconds before
you kick the big one.
16: Terminal illnesses and injuries are never named.
will occasionally cough (coughing blood is optional) and d: you will be required to stay in bed more than normal, forlornly looking out windows.
14: All terminal illnesses and injuries can be cured by an expensive operation that is just outside your families budget (if your family is rich, you will
require a proportionally more expensive treatment than a poor person with the same illness).
15: Once you acquire a terminal illness or disease you will remain in the stages noted in rule 13 for years. Your symptoms will never worsen or go into
remission untiled you are a: cured or b: die (this may be preceded by a fainting spell or coughing fit then being rushed to the hospital where you will remain
on life support for at most a few days) . The same treatment that could cure you when first diagnosed will still save you even if applied five seconds before
you kick the big one.
16: Terminal illnesses and injuries are never named.