Quote: Epsilon wrote:Couldn't agree more there. Personally, I think they really shoulda gone a little stricter in rating this thing. Making it NC-17, IMHO, would
I'm firmly of the opinion that children can handle a lot more than most adults give them credit for.
Even so, Watchmen is not a kids movie.
not have hurt the box office sales one bit.
Oh, and get a load of this. Chick next to me in the theatre (place was PACKED) on our boy blue: "Yes! Male nudity! Finally!" And every time
afterwards you'd swear that she was quietly enduring an orgasm each time we saw him on screen like that. Best of all, at the end of the movie, I ovhear
her saying: "It was interesting, but I didn't really get it." Sheist, woman, have ye any shame?
Otherwise, the movie was pretty good... Just, wow, that was DARK. I mean, I thought that seeing one of the Minute Men being carted away in a straight jacket
just meant this was going to be a little angsty, but then when the hippies all got blown away later on in the montage... Yikes.