Quote: Acyl wrote:Holy Crap! I remember seeing the Opening and closing animation for that show on an old VCR tape back in the 80s! It was a tape full of Openings
Okay, time for me to give a pretty off-the-wall answer to question 1.
The first anime I ever watched was Golden Warrior Gold Lightan (Ogon
Senshi Gorudo Raitan). An early '80s show about a giant robot that transforms into a cigarette lighter. No, no, really. He transforms into a
cigarette lighter which is then carried around by a kid sidekick too young to smoke. One wonders if teachers at school ever busted his ass for
carrying his robot pal. =D
and closings of what seemed like EVERY anime show to have been made up until that point. It was something the old EDC fanclub used to play in-between scheduled
movies and shows at conventions if the schedule had a brief gap in it. And I remember seeing Gold Lightan as one of those! (And being non-plussed/amused by it
- "He's... a lighter. A gold cigarette lighter... literally. O... kay.... ^_^ )