Quote:One other thing, and this is the one that I think bugs me the most: do we honestly need such a radical departure? I mean, I'm going to have to get used to an entirely new operating system here eventually and it's not going to be entirely by choice. It is going to be because the people at Microsoft have mandated it to be so. Do you have any idea how much that goes against my grain? What Microsoft could do is that, with all this wonderful UI niftiness, they should make a GUI that is COMPLETELY modular. You prefer the older task bar? No problem. You want something with a Mac OS-X flavor? Done. How about getting rid of that windows logo on the start-button? Easy as pie. And all with a fair minimum of screwing around, too, through the use of a module-manager. Mozilla does a nice job of this with their plug-ins for Firefox and you don't catch too many people bitching about it, except to say, "Man, I wish someone would make a plugin that did z instead of just x and y."
This exists.
It's called Linux.
Sucrose Octanitrate.
Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.