I probably should've done this earlier http://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key= ... vMqS5hKjFw that link contains everything my itunes/ipod has to play with musically. Any informational oddness present can be blamed on whoever submitted data to CDDB and that thing WMP9-11 uses for it's track info (I used WMP to maintain me collection back in the days of winamp).
It took me awhile to remember how to make itune output a textfile and then make it reasonably readable. Oh and not to mention connection friendly. The default produced a 10 MB XML file, the other setting outputed a 3 meg textfile. Some textual massaging got it down to a Googledocs approved
It took me awhile to remember how to make itune output a textfile and then make it reasonably readable. Oh and not to mention connection friendly. The default produced a 10 MB XML file, the other setting outputed a 3 meg textfile. Some textual massaging got it down to a Googledocs approved