Quote: Bluemage wrote:Oddly enough, I was just annihilated in a solo Stars! game a couple days ago. My mutant Spudling race (a JoAT build) couldn't out-populate
I'd be up for a game. I have ~0 board games, and know precious few wargames, but if I can get it online, I'll play.
On a similar note, anybody here play GalCiv, Space Empires, Civ, Magic, Stars!, or any of the Paradox games?
the Rabbitoids and were nibbled to death by the furry bastards.
So, uh, yes.
That said, and more on topic, I don't have any board games, but depending on the game requirements I might be up for something. Live is hard to do, but a
PBEM or something turn-based like that I could handle.
Er, assuming it can be played for free. I've got enough addictions to shell out for as-is .
(Oh, and: ZOMBIES! The title alone makes me want to try it.
--"Listening to your kid is the audio equivalent of a Salvador Dali painting, Spud." --OpMegs