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G.I Joe the movie?
A different opinion. My neighbors saw it. The 10 year old loved it. The dad said it was your typical summer movie, lots of fight scenes, made to appeal to
teenage boys and sell toys.

[Image: 6bf36ddc1d2c96930d75576c361a9b3f8152885f.gif]Jeanne Hedge

"Believe me, if I have to go the rest of my life without companionship, knowing myself won't be a problem."
-- Gabrielle of Potadeia

Messages In This Thread
G.I Joe the movie? - by ordnance11 - 08-10-2009, 05:31 AM
[No subject] - by Kurisu - 08-10-2009, 07:40 AM
[No subject] - by Evil Midnight Lurker - 08-10-2009, 07:46 AM
[No subject] - by Norgarth - 08-11-2009, 03:49 AM
[No subject] - by Jeanne Hedge - 08-11-2009, 04:01 AM
[No subject] - by Logan Darklighter - 08-11-2009, 06:49 AM
[No subject] - by RMH999 - 08-12-2009, 03:27 AM
[No subject] - by Evil Midnight Lurker - 08-20-2009, 10:16 AM

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