Last week someone on my ship sent out a group of photos for moral purposes. You know, the whole, "You think you've had a bad day? Check this
out!" thing. The one that caught my attention the most was a picture of the tail section of an Air Canada 747 disintegrating on landing.
Now, I would have thought we would all have heard something about this event, even if the plane had no passengers on board at the time. So, I did a quick
little google and came up with this result.
The image was a photoshop job. The reason why it looked so real, though, was because stock footage of an actual 747-100 being blown to pieces was used and
super-imposed on the AC 747, and quite excellently, too. Check it out!
out!" thing. The one that caught my attention the most was a picture of the tail section of an Air Canada 747 disintegrating on landing.
Now, I would have thought we would all have heard something about this event, even if the plane had no passengers on board at the time. So, I did a quick
little google and came up with this result.
The image was a photoshop job. The reason why it looked so real, though, was because stock footage of an actual 747-100 being blown to pieces was used and
super-imposed on the AC 747, and quite excellently, too. Check it out!