Quote: ordnance11 wrote:
Quote: blackaeronaut wrote:Is the boss the master and commander of the vessel? If he is, there is no union grievance committee. Besides, I've done it also, so you get
Quote: ordnance11 wrote:Salaried income, my friend, salaried income. While the compensation is nice, we don't get overtime, no matter what the circumstances. That
At least you're getting paid to work! *grin*
means the boss can make you work through the weekend on a whim. Which he did.
no sympathy from me. That reminds me. It's theoretically possible to not spend a cent while doing your hitch. Happened to a guy I read about. Served a 3
year hitch in the Army and some glitch in the payroll system didn't pay him for his entire hitch, aside from his basic initial partial pay disbursement.
He didn't need money. He has the barracks and chow hall, didn't go out and when he needed money, asked from his family. They found out what happened
during separation and gave him his 3 years back pay.
Oh no, not that Boss. Him, I'd call The Big Cahuna. (Thing is I bet he'd think it's hilarious - our CO's a pretty cool guy.) Nah, The Boss
is my division's Leading Chief Petty Officer (for those who don't know how that translates to other paygrades, that's an E-7). However, where
he's at, he can still ruin your day pretty effectively.
Yeah, I've known about stuff like that. I've also heard about people that take it to the opposite extreme. Friend of mine told me about this one dude
that was with him when he got into the Airforce. Right after Basic, the guy goes and gets himself a Viper. Between the car payments and the insurance, he
literally had enough money left to take the car down to the gas station, put a few gallons in, then go back. Once he made E-2, he was able to take a girl out
to McDonalds every pay day.
Now, since he's down in Florida, it ain't long until Huricane Season rolls around and there's one heading their way. This guy never got a chance
to move his Viper to safety, so after the storm blows over, he comes out to find that the hurricane dropped ratty, old VW Bug on his Viper, totalling it. (To
add insult to injury, the Bug's owner came out with a couple of friends, rolled the Bug off the Viper, and drove off!)
Figuring that someone was sending him a message, he uses the insurance cash-out to close out his payments on the Viper, then uses what's left as a down
payment for a Neon. And then his girlfriend dumps him, citing that she only dates guys with hot cars. Ouch.