Sorta of belatedly chiming in - the motherboard and case of my current desktop is an Asus. It's getting a bit creaky by now, since it was never bleeding
edge when I built the thing and time's taken its toll. But it can still run current games. My new-ish laptop (about a year old) is a decent gaming platform
as well; in some ways better than the desktop. That too is an Asus - I purchased it precisely BECAUSE I was very happy with the desktop hardware. It's
pretty much rock solid. Very quality build.
-- Acyl
edge when I built the thing and time's taken its toll. But it can still run current games. My new-ish laptop (about a year old) is a decent gaming platform
as well; in some ways better than the desktop. That too is an Asus - I purchased it precisely BECAUSE I was very happy with the desktop hardware. It's
pretty much rock solid. Very quality build.
-- Acyl