Well, I read Kevin J. Anderson's Star Wars books when I was...hm...13 or 14, something like. I really enjoyed them then.
I doubt I'd appreciate them as much now - but that's not the point. I enjoyed them then.
It's sorta like Piers Anthony, I suspect. I read a crapload of Xanth when I was a kid. Today...I really wouldn't. But that's pretty common, innit? I'm hardly unique in that respect.
All the same, there are some Piers Anthony books which I have read more recently, and do still think is good.
However, most folks associate him with Xanth.
Likewise, while I don't doubt Kevin J. Anderson must have some good work...I think most folks associate him more with the mass-market things he's done. Like the Star Wars books. Or the Dune stuff, which seems to draw particular ire from Herbert fans.
Myself, I just figure they should get Brandon Sanderson to finish Song of Ice and Fire.
Yes, I know George R.R. Martin isn't dead.
But c'mon, you know Martin's never gonna finish it.
If nothing else, his crazy irate readers will murder him if Dance of Dragons takes another few years.
-- Acyl
I doubt I'd appreciate them as much now - but that's not the point. I enjoyed them then.
It's sorta like Piers Anthony, I suspect. I read a crapload of Xanth when I was a kid. Today...I really wouldn't. But that's pretty common, innit? I'm hardly unique in that respect.
All the same, there are some Piers Anthony books which I have read more recently, and do still think is good.
However, most folks associate him with Xanth.
Likewise, while I don't doubt Kevin J. Anderson must have some good work...I think most folks associate him more with the mass-market things he's done. Like the Star Wars books. Or the Dune stuff, which seems to draw particular ire from Herbert fans.
Myself, I just figure they should get Brandon Sanderson to finish Song of Ice and Fire.
Yes, I know George R.R. Martin isn't dead.
But c'mon, you know Martin's never gonna finish it.
If nothing else, his crazy irate readers will murder him if Dance of Dragons takes another few years.

-- Acyl