A speculative AU 'Season 2' for Firefly
Well written, True to Character (besides the AU divergence points) and the show's style. 42 - Long - Chapters strong broken into 'episodes'
consisting on average of about 7 chapters each. Last update 26/7/09.
This may have been recced before, if so I don't recall. I apologise if I'm mistaken, but IMHO this is worth taking a look at and I don't impress
Well written, True to Character (besides the AU divergence points) and the show's style. 42 - Long - Chapters strong broken into 'episodes'
consisting on average of about 7 chapters each. Last update 26/7/09.
This may have been recced before, if so I don't recall. I apologise if I'm mistaken, but IMHO this is worth taking a look at and I don't impress