You want to know how badly Ballmer hammered developers over the whole Vista issue? Try a music video someone did of his appearances blaming developers for their not providing what he wanted.
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Oh, and Win/98? For it's time, it was a gorgeous piece of work. I held off transferring to XP for about a year and a half because it was a lot more stable and safe to use.
But the big killer for the Win/95-98 series was that it wasn't a true 32 bit OS, despite advertising it was. It was really a 2 bit application multiplexed sixteen times.
Those who fear the darkness have never seen what the light can do.
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Oh, and Win/98? For it's time, it was a gorgeous piece of work. I held off transferring to XP for about a year and a half because it was a lot more stable and safe to use.
But the big killer for the Win/95-98 series was that it wasn't a true 32 bit OS, despite advertising it was. It was really a 2 bit application multiplexed sixteen times.
Those who fear the darkness have never seen what the light can do.