Just thought I'd mention. At our regular gaming session this weekend, I handed the drawing over to Lee and explained what I needed. He said he'd help
out with the bamboo wall and the rocks and such and give me a tip for dealing with the water on my own (he was leery of touching that part himself since the
figures were already in place and he didn't want to mess it up. He and I tend to do things RADICALLY different when it comes to actual human figures.)
Me and Lee have actually worked together before BTW on a couple of drawings. Notably the Project Akon 5 T-Shirt Design. (One of the few Project Akon t-shirts
that there ARE NO MORE OF. Even I don't have one!) Guy Brownlee did the figurework on that one, I detailed the car, and Lee did the inking and the Logo
out with the bamboo wall and the rocks and such and give me a tip for dealing with the water on my own (he was leery of touching that part himself since the
figures were already in place and he didn't want to mess it up. He and I tend to do things RADICALLY different when it comes to actual human figures.)
Me and Lee have actually worked together before BTW on a couple of drawings. Notably the Project Akon 5 T-Shirt Design. (One of the few Project Akon t-shirts
that there ARE NO MORE OF. Even I don't have one!) Guy Brownlee did the figurework on that one, I detailed the car, and Lee did the inking and the Logo