Quote: Bluemage wrote:A mile from the Tacoma Narrows Bridge, an old biddy in a Ford Explorer turned my mom's favorite car, a blue Volkswagon Dasher, into a charred
Anyway, Pacific Northwest drivers don't seem quite that bad. A lot of people speed, but a much smaller number (10% or less, I'd guess) go more than
10mph over the limit. The worst part of driving over here are the people who take five seconds to go when stoplights change color, the people who can't
merge to save their lives, and the people who slow down (or stop) in the middle of a turn.
...yes, a lot of them are either on a cellphone or old. What's your point?
Civic when she failed to notice that the traffic had suddenly slowed. One of my brothers' seatbelts got jammed and he nearly burned up with the car -
thank God my dad was able untstick it. To this day, mom still gripes about stupid old drivers driving huge-ass SUVs.
Rod H: Re: Operation: Slow Volvo: