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FTC sues Intel over chip dominance

Yep, that's right. No, don't take it the wrong way - it's not because Intel's product is too good. It's because of their anti-competitive
practices. Things like designing software that doesn't run as effectively on competitor's hardware, coercing PC companies to not install
competitor's products (i.e.:AMD) into their machines. (Hell, I bet they even got them to make sure that only Intel rigs were the top performers.)

Now, while I think this is all jim-crackin'-dandy and all, I feel they should go after the companies that allowed themselves to be coerced, as the right
thing to to would have been to scream to the high heavens instead of just giving in.

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ABOUT DAMN TIME! - by Black Aeronaut - 12-18-2009, 08:30 PM

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