The local company got back to me. I have my second interview at 3 PM on Friday afternoon. It will, at least in part, consist of a little programming challenge, the basics of which the fellow doing the hiring outlined in the email I got about it. It's practically a take-home/open book exam -- he said during the first interview that he saw no reason to not let people consult references, since he doesn't think it's realistic to expect everyone to know everything by heart, and every programmer has a shelf of references he consults anyway. So, under the assumption he's not going to double-bluff me by complicating or changing the test at the last minute, I'm going to be spending the next two days or so refreshing on the stuff I learned but never used, and learning the stuff I never needed before and thus never studied. Wish me luck. I really want this job.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.