Back. Actually, back about 90 minutes ago, but I just got to the boards. Interview lasted about 45 minutes -- almost all of that with two programmers. Tiny little place, seems to be about six or seven people, but they apparently do bang-up business -- they specialize in consulting on and customizing a software product for Wall Street traders that licenses for something in six figures or more per seat. I got along well with the two programmers, we ended up more back-and-forthing than question-and-answering, if you get what I mean. About forty minutes in, the company president, who had ducked in and introduced himself earlier, took me into another room, and asked me my salary requirements. And when I'd given them, he ushered me out. Not quite a bum's rush but surprisingly fast. I'll find out if I'm going back for a second interview on Monday, but in the mean time I'm confused as to whether I did or said something wrong with him.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.