My understanding is that that entire universe is named "Top Dog", and that both "Fox" and "Biker" are just as much in that
continuity as the "Harry Johnson" stories. I was therefore (and based on comments I've seen somewhere, I don't remember where) expecting each
to include references to the others, or at least the preceding ones.
If that isn't the case, I may go back and try some of the others out.
(Then again, the "Harry Johnson" stories didn't seem to be going in that direction - that I remember - for the first two or three stories...)
continuity as the "Harry Johnson" stories. I was therefore (and based on comments I've seen somewhere, I don't remember where) expecting each
to include references to the others, or at least the preceding ones.
If that isn't the case, I may go back and try some of the others out.
(Then again, the "Harry Johnson" stories didn't seem to be going in that direction - that I remember - for the first two or three stories...)