While Top Dog is the universe, it is used normally to refer to the Harry Johnson bits, as that was the originally thought up story for the setting in the time
that the setting was named. While Biker 1/2 is older, to my knowledge, it is normally referred to as Biker 1/2 because at the time of its writing the Top Dog
name was not around. The others are called different things to separate them from the Harry Johnson bits. While Top Dog can be used to refer to them all, it is
rarely used that way.
As for the meeting each other bits... nope. While they share the same universe, they are about very different parts of the thing.The Harry Johnson stuff mostly
addresses the Hogwarts and Space-TravelInterstellar bits of the setting, while Biker and Fox take a look at what Nerima is like, with Biker looking at what
Ranma, Akane and the rest are like in the verse, and Fox in Tokyo taking a look at the idea that the Naruto Crew are the Kuno family's Ninja Village.
Speaking bluntly, I like Fox in Tokyo and Biker 1/2 more because they lack the a lot of themes that Harry Johnson has, and fail to set off my 'yah sure
they did' reaction like it does. In my opinion the two are much better. His new dragon one is pretty good too.
Also, two new avatar fics, as this discussion is in the new fic thread, one for each of my posts.
To Change The Future, an interesting looking, if unread,
Avatar/Naruto crossover. As well as Burn My Dread Complete,
an Avatar/Persona fusion.
that the setting was named. While Biker 1/2 is older, to my knowledge, it is normally referred to as Biker 1/2 because at the time of its writing the Top Dog
name was not around. The others are called different things to separate them from the Harry Johnson bits. While Top Dog can be used to refer to them all, it is
rarely used that way.
As for the meeting each other bits... nope. While they share the same universe, they are about very different parts of the thing.The Harry Johnson stuff mostly
addresses the Hogwarts and Space-TravelInterstellar bits of the setting, while Biker and Fox take a look at what Nerima is like, with Biker looking at what
Ranma, Akane and the rest are like in the verse, and Fox in Tokyo taking a look at the idea that the Naruto Crew are the Kuno family's Ninja Village.
Speaking bluntly, I like Fox in Tokyo and Biker 1/2 more because they lack the a lot of themes that Harry Johnson has, and fail to set off my 'yah sure
they did' reaction like it does. In my opinion the two are much better. His new dragon one is pretty good too.
Also, two new avatar fics, as this discussion is in the new fic thread, one for each of my posts.
To Change The Future, an interesting looking, if unread,
Avatar/Naruto crossover. As well as Burn My Dread Complete,
an Avatar/Persona fusion.