RE: Dallas White Christmas;
Yeah, that shit never... ever... everevereververevereverever... HAPPENS. This is really a first for them and there was probably no shortage of celebration in addition to the ibuprofin being passed around for snow removal efforts.
Lemme put it to you another way - you do not get blizards in Texas... except maybe in the Panhandle. Instead, if you're gonna get crappy winter weather, it will be in the form of freezing rain instead of snow. I remember one time living in Austin we got about an inch of solid ice covering everything - think it was '95 or '96. Yeah, we try not to do anything by halves.
Yeah, that shit never... ever... everevereververevereverever... HAPPENS. This is really a first for them and there was probably no shortage of celebration in addition to the ibuprofin being passed around for snow removal efforts.
Lemme put it to you another way - you do not get blizards in Texas... except maybe in the Panhandle. Instead, if you're gonna get crappy winter weather, it will be in the form of freezing rain instead of snow. I remember one time living in Austin we got about an inch of solid ice covering everything - think it was '95 or '96. Yeah, we try not to do anything by halves.