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Superman returns - like a boomerang to the back of the skull
Superman returns - like a boomerang to the back of the skull
Okay – So I am so very, very, late in reviewing this one; I just picked up a copy used for $3.00 and after viewing, I fear that I paid too much.
Bryan, Bryan, Bryan, what the hell were you thinking?
Given the opportunity, budget and talents available to you, I was sort of hoping that you could come up with… well… something. Anything!
Now, let’s go with the basic premise. Superman sods off to parts unknown without telling anybody; this bit of behavior is odd as, according to the plainly obvious plot point, prior to his departure he had been slinging the super-schlong in Lois Lane’s um…. Editorial capacity. Either that or while beating upon the super meat in a moment of caped onanism his super-swimmers blasted through the ceiling and descended upon Metropolis like squiggling, caped, rain, impregnating women from the suburbs to the slums and it is just coincidence that Lois ended up as just one lucky recipient of the alien money shot.
I know – neither makes a whole lot of sense, welcome to this movie.
Lex Luthor is back too, and despite as good a performance as the material allows, Kevin Spacey is let down by the writers/director. Okay, that is an understatement. Spacey/Luthor is held down by the writer/director in a scene that is one ‘Squeal like a piggie’ away from being Deliverance. We are reacquainted with Luthor as he plays the ‘Zero Mostel’ role in The Producers, seducing a wealthy octogenarian into signing over her vast riches to him. Nice play there Lex; did you close your eyes and think of the science? In a world populated by the Savings and Loans scandal, Enron, shady bond issues, the best plan the smartest man in the world can come up with is the blue-haired bouncy-bouncy, followed by a will signing? I kept looking for Gene Wilder and a musical number.
So now rich and powerful, Lex and his crew of thugs and molls (Okay moll singular) are off to Antarctica to locate the Fortress of Solitude; steal Kryptonian crystals – which have the same basic rules as those in Gremlins – don’t get the bastards wet; to create a new continent, steal technology, rule the world, etc. Once more the writers treat the bald braniac like his awesome mental prowess is that of a slack-jawed drool monkey as he creates his kryptonite continent, rather than spending the time researching the weapons he would need to defend it. (Three guys with bats could stop Lex’s plan, let alone Special Forces, the SAS, or any member of the Street Fighter cast – including the goofy – or goofier – ones.)
Oh, and Superman has a son by Lois Lane (as alluded to earlier) who is small, sickly, etc; which might as well be a neon sign that he is going to unleash awesome Kryptonian whoop-arse at some point in the movie. Which he does. Then forgets how to do it…and… it’s just not worth it. Kat Bosworth as Lois Lane, brings to this movie what a bacon, lettuce, tomato sandwich brings to a Bar Mitzvah buffet table; the feeling that someone is pretty unclear on the concept. Gone is the spunky reporter, replaced by a fretting mommy, whining employee and all around yippy yuppie bell-end. Again, I would blame the writers as much as the actress, but….urgh.. it was just a bad performance all around.
The actors portraying Perry White and Jimmy Olsen turn in credible performance with the limited screen time they have; they are the lucky ones, the writers didn’t have anything for them to do, so they are left largely unscathed by the carnage wreaked upon the others.
Okay – epic scale wise, Superman does bust out a few super-tricks and engage in a few large scale set pieces with planes, trains and automobiles, but without a truly credible foe to face off against it never feels particularly super. This is a film in dire need of a ‘Kneel before Zod!’ moment, as the bumbling Luthor caricature doesn’t feel like a threat; and the dangers faced by the super-simpleton feel more contrived than a round of spontaneous applause for Dick Cheney.
So, if you haven’t seen this film, I simple cannot recommend it, it is not even interesting enough as a train wreck to warrant watching.

Messages In This Thread
Superman returns - like a boomerang to the back of the skull - by Rev Dark - 02-26-2010, 09:31 PM
[No subject] - by Jinx999 - 02-26-2010, 09:34 PM
[No subject] - by Evil Midnight Lurker - 02-26-2010, 10:11 PM
[No subject] - by Logan Darklighter - 02-27-2010, 05:24 AM
[No subject] - by khagler - 02-27-2010, 08:09 AM
[No subject] - by Bob Schroeck - 02-27-2010, 07:32 PM
[No subject] - by Foxboy - 02-27-2010, 08:07 PM

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