Entertainingly, I'm recalling the page just before the Gateport Incident, when Fate's core party showed up. There were four people there: Fate himself, Tsukuyomi, Dynamis, and a fourth, unidentified black cloak that stayed out of the fight until casting the spell that force-teleported Al Alba all across Mundus Magicus.
Given height and build, said black cloak COULD possibly be Zazie...
Which, given it's been demonstrated that Fate is pretty much set up for a heel-face turn, could mean she's been participating of her own accord the entire time.
"Oh, silver blade, forged in the depths of the beyond. Heed my summons and purge those who stand in my way. Lay
Given height and build, said black cloak COULD possibly be Zazie...
Which, given it's been demonstrated that Fate is pretty much set up for a heel-face turn, could mean she's been participating of her own accord the entire time.
"Oh, silver blade, forged in the depths of the beyond. Heed my summons and purge those who stand in my way. Lay