Wiredgeek Wrote:I'll snap a pic or two of my 1 watt pre-amp I built for my mp3 player (iRiver lacked enough grunt out the headphone port for make happy when hooked to aux input).Sounds like a permanently set volume version of what I'm building.
Wiredgeek Wrote:Have you considered hand-drawing your PCB, or are you fixated on laser-toner-transfer etching?I'm most likely to just build it on some vero or similar board and http://workmanship.nasa.gov/lib/insp/2% ... wires.html]greenwire any missed bits. The fancy PCB designs are mainly a learning experience for me and something I'd leave to the experts. Doesn't mean I wouldn't mind a proper board done. Heck, I'd be happy with a complete kit, it's just no-one makes one even remotely close to what I needed.