Can I get some help from someone who knows their numbers intimately enough when it comes to electricity?
I'm trying to settle a debate on a (fictional subject that was created with some rather quiestionable science).
Specifically, can anyone provide -- IN MATCHING UNITS -- the energy available from:
1) A 100%-efficient, all-wavelength solar collector at 10 AU radius from SOL, with a sail radius of 1km
2) Same, with a sail radius of 50km,
3) Fusion of 1kg Hydrogen
Sucrose Octanitrate.
Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.
I'm trying to settle a debate on a (fictional subject that was created with some rather quiestionable science).
Specifically, can anyone provide -- IN MATCHING UNITS -- the energy available from:
1) A 100%-efficient, all-wavelength solar collector at 10 AU radius from SOL, with a sail radius of 1km
2) Same, with a sail radius of 50km,
3) Fusion of 1kg Hydrogen
Sucrose Octanitrate.
Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.