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Musing on webcomic-dom
You can focus by twiddling the knobs or moving your eye towards, or away from the microscope.  I think in best Jackie fashion, fiddling with the knobs (and anything else) is the way to go.
So here is what I have and don't have:
Title: NOTHING HERE YET.; something URLable.
City: I went with Angel's Bay - a city on the sunny part of the West Coast.  That allows me beaches, docks, hills and the potential for a few swamps; as well as an undercity left over from earlier Spanish Exploration.
Super Team: The Heavenly Host (A team which is financially endowed by an unrevealed benefactor)
For Sure Members:
Bella Fuego
Jackie (To avoid the whole DC Jackie Frost thing, she will be going by her full name, and a superheroine name that very few are willing to use)
(Though team interviews might make for an interesting storyline)
Other possibles
Endiku - The guy who turns in to a giant huge-arsed monkey
Lady Macbeth - SAS tough gal with unfortunate mental powers
Morgan - Will have to talk to Cindy more on this one; possible team member, possible independent.
I suspect that I will slip in an Inventor/Support character/s at some point.  I may re-vision Simon and Naoko from the IST stories to fit in there.
Other Heroes in town
Gil MacHeath (For the hardboiled/pulp side of the city)
Princeps!  The First Citizen - Roman themed protector of all that is good and right.
Plucky Reporter: Connie Cabot
For Villains
ALPO (Who truly belong on the west coast)
Draconarius (He doesn't feel the need for a gratuitous exclamation point.) Princep's! mortal enemy.
Mr. Chairman (Still a bit nebulous; for some reason I want him to operate out of a chain of coffee/smoothie shops.)
Lord and Lady Schaedenfreude:  One tries to end the world through tech, the other through magic.
Iron Klan (this needs no explanation)
The Homeopath (Again, one of those villains who belongs on the West Coast)
The Fun-Damentalists - Just what we need Apocalyptic Clowns.

Messages In This Thread
Musing on webcomic-dom - by Rev Dark - 05-19-2010, 04:12 PM
Focus - by Rev Dark - 05-21-2010, 08:45 PM
[No subject] - by Epsilon - 05-22-2010, 12:15 AM
[No subject] - by Bob Schroeck - 05-22-2010, 12:39 AM

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