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Webcomic Reccomendation: Outsider
Webcomic Reccomendation: Outsider
Outsider is a webcomic by Jim Francis. You may have seen some of his artwork if you have the 2nd edition BESM books. That's how I found him and his site. And from there I found his webcomic Outsider.
I've actually kept this one under my hat for a long time because of Jim's GLACIAL update schedule. There was a stretch there where he didn't put up a new page for almost two years! I didn't want to recommend it and then have there be no payoff. But now he seems to have buckled down and is updating pretty consistently on a one page a week schedule.
You may still think that's slow. And it is. But this guy is a CRAFTSMAN. One of the reasons for many of the delays in one of his longer stretches was that he was designing and "building" an entire bridge set with consoles, readouts, holographic HUD displays and a panoramic projected view of space all around in the computer so that he could view and render it from any angle needed and place his hand drawn characters into it. Did I mention that all of this was for a non-human ship and he created a consistent written language so that the displays would be in that language?
Last I checked, he also still has on his website a map of local space out to about 50
light years that uses Java and that you can rotate in all angles in 3d.
Anyway, this is a very good space opera "first contact" story with some fascinating characters, political intrigue and an awesome eye for detail.

Messages In This Thread
Webcomic Reccomendation: Outsider - by Logan Darklighter - 06-01-2010, 09:22 PM
[No subject] - by Wiregeek - 06-01-2010, 10:12 PM
[No subject] - by Bluemage - 06-01-2010, 11:35 PM

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