The cowl will continue to look bad until you do something to actually break up the lines. Paint jobs won't help.
Compare Batman versus the Red Robin design that debuted in Kingdom Come. It does not look right without the ears.
Batsy's ears. Cyclops' visor and sometimes visible hair. Doctor Mid-Nite's distinctive goggles. (A lot of goggles. Ted Kord's Blue Beetle, for example.)
Plain smooth cowls just don't work, people. Comic book illustrators (mostly) know this. Whoever designed that Cap outfit does not.
"Costume? What costume?"
Compare Batman versus the Red Robin design that debuted in Kingdom Come. It does not look right without the ears.
Batsy's ears. Cyclops' visor and sometimes visible hair. Doctor Mid-Nite's distinctive goggles. (A lot of goggles. Ted Kord's Blue Beetle, for example.)
Plain smooth cowls just don't work, people. Comic book illustrators (mostly) know this. Whoever designed that Cap outfit does not.
"Costume? What costume?"