Am I being unreasonable then? I mean, when I worked in NYC and took the train, 20+ years ago, sometimes my commutes would be 2 hours or so one way. But that's quite a bit different on several levels from driving 2-1/2 hours each way -- both in terms of cash costs (we're talking a full tank every two days just for the commute, and even with how low gas prices are here, that's still a substantial outlay) and in time usage (when I commuted on the train, I could read or work; not an option on a five-hour round-trip drive). On top of that it pays less than my old job, which means a much bigger percentage of my pay will go simply to transportation
The thing is, Helen lives where the company is moving to, and works a mile or so from us -- she's already making the exact same commute, only in the opposite direction. And for years I've seen the wear and tear on her from it. She stays with us one night a week just to cut down her gasoline costs, but frankly, she's always exhausted, and frequently looks more than a little ragged around the edges. While we were working on ch 2 of DW13 a couple nights ago, she started to fade out around 9 PM.
(And yes, I know, I can certainly ask Helen and Attila for reciprocal crash privileges -- but once again, Peg's dependence on me for transport raises its head.)
I don't know. The more I think about this the more confused I get about how to weight my priorities.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
The thing is, Helen lives where the company is moving to, and works a mile or so from us -- she's already making the exact same commute, only in the opposite direction. And for years I've seen the wear and tear on her from it. She stays with us one night a week just to cut down her gasoline costs, but frankly, she's always exhausted, and frequently looks more than a little ragged around the edges. While we were working on ch 2 of DW13 a couple nights ago, she started to fade out around 9 PM.
(And yes, I know, I can certainly ask Helen and Attila for reciprocal crash privileges -- but once again, Peg's dependence on me for transport raises its head.)
I don't know. The more I think about this the more confused I get about how to weight my priorities.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.