Just as a note, the good Doctor was 'created' via an Intrinsic Field Generator. Veidt used an Intrinsic Field Subtractor. So you might get something like Mr Bronx or something anti-doctor manhattan. If you get anything at all.
I think the idea was to make some sort of bomb or generator overload for an explosive result with out actually subjecting them to the field in ways that might have side-effects. Do not examine this too closely
The Master said: "It is all in vain! I have never yet seen a man who can perceive his own faults and bring the charge home against himself."
>Analects: Book V, Chaper XXVI
I think the idea was to make some sort of bomb or generator overload for an explosive result with out actually subjecting them to the field in ways that might have side-effects. Do not examine this too closely
The Master said: "It is all in vain! I have never yet seen a man who can perceive his own faults and bring the charge home against himself."
>Analects: Book V, Chaper XXVI