Perhaps I should have been more clear about that part initially. (^_^ I would have been fine if it was just a quick codec install and then I could use whatever player I like.
Instead I have to install an entire other player into my system just to watch Blu Ray movies. And shell out a not-so-inconsiderable amount of money, too.
Nicest would have been during the OS Install process: "We would like to offer the following software to you, free of charge since you where so kind to patronize our fine company. Pick and choose whatever you wish and it will be automatically installed with the Operating System."
Instead I have to install an entire other player into my system just to watch Blu Ray movies. And shell out a not-so-inconsiderable amount of money, too.
Nicest would have been during the OS Install process: "We would like to offer the following software to you, free of charge since you where so kind to patronize our fine company. Pick and choose whatever you wish and it will be automatically installed with the Operating System."