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The Dell Streak - Presale today, on sale tomorrow.
The Dell Streak - Presale today, on sale tomorrow.
Well, the Dell Streak is live, I received my pre-sale code at about 1am this morning.
If anyone wants it (It allows a $40 Plantronics bluetooth headset for $1), let me know.
'cause I won't be buying it.
$299 for the damn thing, requiring a 2 year AT&T contract. The cheapest one can possibly get is $299, plus $54.99/month (400 minutes, 600mb of data), which comes to $1319.76, or $1618.76 including hardware. A more reasonable plan, with 2gb (still a paltry, miniscule amount of transfer), comes to $64.99/month (400 minutes, 2gb of data), or $1559.76, or $1858.76 including hardware.
None of these are options. I'd have the damn thing shipping right now if I could get a $9.99 100 or even 50 minute voice plan to go with that disgustingly small 2gb, or if I could up the data cost to $40 or even $50/month for unlimited transfer, but AT&T doesn't play that.

And the insult added to the injury. The $549 version, which does not require one to sign up for an unwanted and very limited AT&T contract..   is still locked to AT&T. That's right, the full retail price does not get you hardware, you are still required to go to a specific vendor for a generic service.
So I cannot at this time take out my wallet. Dell took a good thing and pooped on it with AT&T. Instead, I will be spending approximately $75 to order in a fresh screen protector, case, and charger for my Axim X51v, which while not being nearly as shiny as a Streak, at least does not require me to kowtow to the Death Star.
And again, if anyone wants my pre-sale code, drop me a reply or a line.
"No can brain today. Want cheezeburger."
From NGE: Nobody Dies, by Gregg Landsman

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The Dell Streak - Presale today, on sale tomorrow. - by Wiregeek - 08-12-2010, 04:55 PM

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