The official website for the live-action film adaptation of the Space Battleship Yamato anime franchise has begun streaming a 34-second teaser trailer and a 100-second full trailer on Saturday. 37-year-old SMAP band member Takuya Kimura (Howl's Moving Castle's Howl) is headlining this film based on the 1974-1975 space opera anime classic, which was adapted as Star Blazers in English. The other cast members include Meisa Kuroki (Vexille - 2077 Isolation of Japan's Vexille, Crows Zero's Luca), Toshiro Yanagiba, and Tsutomu Yamazaki. Takashi Yamazaki, the director best known for Returner, Always: Sunset on Third Street, and last year's Ballad, is helming the project for a December 1 release. Aerosmith vocalist Steven Tyler wrote and sang the film's theme song, "Love Lives."
Yes - you read that right - STEVEN TYLER from Aerosmith. Bizarre concept for a Yamato film, eh? But it might work.
Yes - you read that right - STEVEN TYLER from Aerosmith. Bizarre concept for a Yamato film, eh? But it might work.