I hate to be a skeptic, because this looks pretty damn cool, but -
It was towed into the air and flew for just under 19.3 seconds. How much of that was just pure gliding and how much was due to any thrust from the wings flapping? I'd like to know if a control flight was made without the pilot pedaling/wing flapping to see if there was a difference? Mind, this is probably just a test flight to make sure things don't immediately fall apart and all. I rather expect them to make more flights if this really works, and THEN it'll be more impressive.
It was towed into the air and flew for just under 19.3 seconds. How much of that was just pure gliding and how much was due to any thrust from the wings flapping? I'd like to know if a control flight was made without the pilot pedaling/wing flapping to see if there was a difference? Mind, this is probably just a test flight to make sure things don't immediately fall apart and all. I rather expect them to make more flights if this really works, and THEN it'll be more impressive.