She could be listening to a radio.
They could make them small enough to fit under that coat in 1920, especially if it was a simple crystal radio... and they could certainly make a set of earphones small enough to be handheld. In fact, if it's a crystal radio, it'd want to have a handheld speaker in order to be be audible over the crowd.
I'd guess it's probably some gadgeteer mucking around with an early radio Walkman. "Oh it's too bulky and heavy to carry around.... it'll never catch on"
Or just a nutbar who brought the earpiece of an old telephone out, and thought it was possible to communicate wirelessly with it.
--m(^0^)m-- Wot, no sig?
They could make them small enough to fit under that coat in 1920, especially if it was a simple crystal radio... and they could certainly make a set of earphones small enough to be handheld. In fact, if it's a crystal radio, it'd want to have a handheld speaker in order to be be audible over the crowd.
I'd guess it's probably some gadgeteer mucking around with an early radio Walkman. "Oh it's too bulky and heavy to carry around.... it'll never catch on"
Or just a nutbar who brought the earpiece of an old telephone out, and thought it was possible to communicate wirelessly with it.
--m(^0^)m-- Wot, no sig?