They work by induction charging. There's a good layman's explanation of it here: http://www.explainthatstu...m/inductionchargers.html
The key thing to take away from this is, unless that other half of the transformer is present -- the bit in your cellphone -- then no current flows. And your head does not a transformer make. Unless maybe you have a lot of braces or fillings. And put the base station in your mouth when you sleep.
(Probably not even then, though.)
Further trivia of interest: the field effect dies off very sharply outside of the actual inductive area (which is measured in centimeters, single digits), so even when your phone IS charging, it won't affect you. It wouldn't even make a compass twitch.
--"Listening to your kid is the audio equivalent of a Salvador Dali painting, Spud." --OpMegs
The key thing to take away from this is, unless that other half of the transformer is present -- the bit in your cellphone -- then no current flows. And your head does not a transformer make. Unless maybe you have a lot of braces or fillings. And put the base station in your mouth when you sleep.
(Probably not even then, though.)
Further trivia of interest: the field effect dies off very sharply outside of the actual inductive area (which is measured in centimeters, single digits), so even when your phone IS charging, it won't affect you. It wouldn't even make a compass twitch.
--"Listening to your kid is the audio equivalent of a Salvador Dali painting, Spud." --OpMegs