A lot of kids here in Japan get allowances - middle schoolers usually get about 3000 yen a month while high schoolers will typically get 6000/month. Other kids here in Japan work part time jobs on school breaks or on the weekends.
In short, there's a lot of kids that have money in their pockets to buy manga from the local convenience stores.
Oh, I'm pretty sure that some of the parents will go ahead and pick up their favorite mangas for them. But parental units here in Japan are usually pretty busy people - with the economy the way it is, it is not unusual to see both parents working - with the Dad on full time and the mother working part time. There is going to be an impact, and it will be notable.
In short, there's a lot of kids that have money in their pockets to buy manga from the local convenience stores.
Oh, I'm pretty sure that some of the parents will go ahead and pick up their favorite mangas for them. But parental units here in Japan are usually pretty busy people - with the economy the way it is, it is not unusual to see both parents working - with the Dad on full time and the mother working part time. There is going to be an impact, and it will be notable.