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Infinite Stratos
Infinite Stratos
Description cadged from TVTropes:
Infinite Stratos Wrote:Somewhere in the Future, a new exoskeleton called the Infinite Stratos system was developed in Japan and in a short amount of time, it demonstrated just how easily it can take out a variety of conventional military weapons. The weapon is soon adopted by several nations, but however there is one flaw: Only women can pilot it. This has shifted the social structure to favoring females over males, until Every Man Orimura Ichika, brother of the legendary I.S. pilot Orimura Chifuyu becomes the first guy to activate the I.S. and thus is soon thrust into a new life as not only the first guy to pilot the I.S. but also enters the prestigious Infinite Stratos Academy.
The first episode is out and it's better than I had expected. The bulk of the episode is entertaining enough, but what really grabbed me was the CG mecha/power armor battle that acts as a preface. The main character is fun and the supporting cast is interesting. There's a touch of excessive exposition, but it's not too bad. I think this series has a lot of promise; we'll just have to see where it goes.

Subs are available at the usual places.

Messages In This Thread
Infinite Stratos - by HoagieOfDoom - 01-08-2011, 01:13 AM
[No subject] - by Rod.H - 01-08-2011, 05:43 AM

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