This firefox addon includes a function that'll convert video from .flv to about any format, including mp3. If you're running Linux I'd recommend it, since the Linux version uses ffmpeg to do the encoding, which you can install yourself, while the windows version requires you to download their own compiled version of FFMpeg and pay about 20 dollars to unlock the mp3 functionality. (Though they do provide sources).
I just pulled the audio from this video quite happily, though it took one or two goes before I remembered that the Ubuntu ffmpeg doesn't come with mp3 support by default, you have to add it from the medibuntu repository. Or compile from source yourself.
--m(^0^)m-- Wot, no sig?
I just pulled the audio from this video quite happily, though it took one or two goes before I remembered that the Ubuntu ffmpeg doesn't come with mp3 support by default, you have to add it from the medibuntu repository. Or compile from source yourself.
--m(^0^)m-- Wot, no sig?