Puella Magi Madoka Magica is the story of Madoka Kaname, an Ordinary Middle School Student being followed around by a strange, talking animal trying to get her to become a magical girl. There's just a couple of problems, the director of the piece is Akiyuki Shinbo and the story's been written by Gen 'Heartless Abyssal Void' Urobuchi of Fate/Zero and Saya no Uta infamy.
It's Shaft's first completely original property.
It's also Magical Girl Evangelion, with less The Director Is Suicidal and more The Director Is Tripping Balls.
The comic based on the animated series came out two days ago and is basically sold out everywhere in Japan now.
It's a very, very good show. But just remember, when Gen Urobuchi talks about writing a 'heartwarming story' he generally means extracting it from the ribcage and setting it on fire.
This is the opening credits, expect this to change subtly each episode based on a formula that only Shinbo may understand.
This is the ending credits, which, while not particularly spoileriffic, has a certain tone to it that keeps it from appearing in the show AS the ending until the end of episode 3.
- Grumpy Uncle Gearhead
It's Shaft's first completely original property.
It's also Magical Girl Evangelion, with less The Director Is Suicidal and more The Director Is Tripping Balls.
The comic based on the animated series came out two days ago and is basically sold out everywhere in Japan now.
It's a very, very good show. But just remember, when Gen Urobuchi talks about writing a 'heartwarming story' he generally means extracting it from the ribcage and setting it on fire.
This is the opening credits, expect this to change subtly each episode based on a formula that only Shinbo may understand.
This is the ending credits, which, while not particularly spoileriffic, has a certain tone to it that keeps it from appearing in the show AS the ending until the end of episode 3.
- Grumpy Uncle Gearhead